97-051_LTRS 219

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2123_97-051_219.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:28:34.228Z
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Creator Transcript
  • 216 wade into a deepapple pie smothered with custard right now.' Gee.1 it makes my mouth water even to think of it. War is sure hell. The weather has "been rather unsettled lately, due no doubt to the heavy firing going on pretty well all along the line. The main thing though is that winter is over, and that is something for which we are very thankful. In a few weeks now we ought to "be due for a rest, and then I guess we’ll he getting the hall players in action. Up against it for fair now, for our only catcher went down gassed a few days ago. Well if the worse comes to the worst, I’ll take a stab at it myself. Used to he aregular hell cracker at it when I was a kid, so might get hy now. Nothing like trying anyway. Jock devoy and the "Wop" are both in hospital here-- trench fever I think. The Wop had it last winter too. Would hate to see them go down the line, hut in a way, good, luck to ’em if they do. Well, this is a fair evening’s work, so I’ll quit. Have been on a pick and shovel gang today, and am feeling tired. Will hit the hay early for a change. As ever, Yours lovingly, FRET France, April 13th, 1918. Tear Mother and Tad, - "T’jever" have any difficulty in gettings, letter started? I don’t as a rule, hut somehow or other I can’t seem to collect my thoughts y: this e.fternoon. Possibly the fact that I have just indulged in a hearty dinner mayhave something to do with it. I’ll carry on anyhow and trust to luck. Am very glad to say that we’ve pulled out of the region of dug- outs for a while. Our last spell "in" was for eight weeks, quite long enough. Can’t say how long we’ll he out, hut intend to make the most of it.. We are hack at the place where our hall team pulled off some historic contests last year. In fact it was from here that Harold went to the divisional hell team. Only pulled in yesterday, so haven’t had time to do any limbering up.. Expect to he cavorting around in a day or so, to a limited extent though, for our equipment hasn't put in an appearance yet. Ought to bealong any day. Took a slant at the diamond yesterday evening, and found it in prime condi­tion. If they only , leave us here long enough,, we ought to have a few games at any., rate.. Had a dandy sleep last night. Wa# ready for it too, as we marched 10 miles- with packs coming to here. Gosh, its great to.he
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