97-051_LTRS 254

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2158_97-051_254.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:30:18.236Z
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Creator Transcript
  • 250 - Heard last night from a reliable source that service chev­rons are being issued down at hqrs., the wearing of same to he com­pulsory. Have to put up our two year "undetected crime" stripe also. Well, if I have to put up all that stuff, I'm going to make a. good job of it, and. sew on a gold stripe as well. Have to have something to distinguish me from our Shorncliffe heroes. I suppose there'll be a few remarks passed if I do, hut I’m not worrying eny. There ere half a dozen fellows in the unit vho didn't get any more then I did and they've had themr stripe up all the time. Have been utilizing Y writing paper lately, so with your latest contribution have quite a. stock on hand. Will let you know when I run short. Just finished a letter to the kid, and now I'm going to oall quite on this one. Hope there's a letterfor me tomorrow. Love to all, FRED Prance July 25, 1912. Howdy kid, Isn't it about time that you got busy and dropped me a few lines? I knowto my sorrow that you aren’t much of a correspondent, but just the same a few lines from you every sc often would be very much appreciated-- not only byme, but by the gang. A hint to the wise is sufficient. So you're out at Resthaven eh? Never had the pleasure of -r being there, but from all accounts it is a delightful spot. I suppose you can get home every week, and at least I trust that such is the case. Tell me in your next how your arm is coming along. Quite a few changes in the unit since I last wroteyou, mostly for the better. You'll be pleased to near that two of our "dudtf have been sent down to the base. North field and Goodchild. Riley has joined the Dumb Bells orchestra, and presumably has clicked for he's been away for over two weeks. Billy Evans figured in a runaway a few days ego, and was evacuated to G.C.S. yesterday with synovitis (right knee)- a sure Blighty, Oir was on that working party, and was foolish enough to be at the foot of a 30 foot dugout entrance, when a loose pulley careened down and bounced off his bean. C.O.S.. for him al so, French leave ostensibly is open, but only one fellow has gone since it opened nearly a month ago. And he was a. recent rein­forcement from the base, first contingent man, but never up the line
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