97-051_LTRS 30

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 1934_97-051_030.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T15:55:42.037Z
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Creator Transcript
  • 30 of the whole works is the crypt, which contains over 1000 skulls all arranged on shelves. Also a hugh pile of thigh hones, over 8000 in number. None of these have been placed in the crypt dur­ing the last 500 years, so they are somewhat ancient. John Grieg took a snap of it and will try and send you a print if it turns out Q.K. We also took in a picture show this afternoon. Could have paid 3d for front seats, but thought the 6d stalls were more in our line. Rotten show,cheap American 14 ..-dy'’ films which were run so slow that we had to wake John up when it was time to leave. This place (the Y.M.) was so crowded that we (eight of us) had to hunt through the town for a place to eat. Queer looking places they call tea rooms in this one horse town. All about the size of our dining room, and containing about four tables seating four at each. Naturally all of them were more or less filled so we finally landed in the tea and rest room run by the Church of England. Rather noisy there too, but managed to get a bite to eat. They charge for their writing material there, that being the rea­son we came back here. Just glanced out of the window to see the boats and canoes on the canal. Can you imagine boating in a stream not more than sixty feet wide and certainly not over my depth anywhere, A lot of fellows seem to enjoy it though, and the boat house keeper is doing a land-office business. Moved into camp at Eibgate, about two miles from Sandgate on Friday, and certainly will never forget it. In spite of the fact that the A.S.C, has all kinds of trucks running around, the powers that be made us carry our entire kit out to camp. No warn­ing beforehand so that we could, arrange it in the most convenient way either. My kit bag, blankets, haversack, greatcoat, water bottle (filled) and mess tin weighs at least 80 lbs, all of which .1 I had to sling across my shoulders on a thin piece of rone that just about cut me in two before we reached camp. About ten minutes rest then we had. to pitch tents. At noon we were given a big meal, consisting of a cup of tea minus milk or sugar. Worked hard all afternoon and at night dined sumptuously on bread, and cheese. Pretty sore bunch by then, but commenced to see humor in it and A'ftir that didn't mind so much. Say but maybe it wasn't cold sleeping that night. The kid and I doubled up but even that failed to keep us warm. The ground was damp and the night cold which didn't help matters any. Slept by myself last night with all my clothes on except my shoes, and had a good, nights sleep. Good bunch in our tent, the two Macs, Tom Webster, Tom Bascoe, Goldie and Reg. Beckwith so we get along fine. We are having beautiful weather at present so camp life will be fine when we get thoroughly brokeri in again. Just at present
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