97-051_LTRS 230
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
- Fixity Check
- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2134_97-051_230.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T17:48:57.867ZOriginal Checksum: 47dc5458ea5745b64f35eff6a05c7410Mime Type: image/tiff
- 22 7 rain, and verylittlesunshine. The lest three days have been fine, but the rain this morning has spilled the beans. Sun is trying to break through the clouds at pres nt, so maybe she’ll clear up once again. Hope so, for a fellow gets pretty blue when the weather is rotten. "Oook house" has just blown so I’m going to call it a day's work. Will write Marjorie in a few days. As ever. Yours lovingly, EKED Prance, "Mothers Day, May 13,1918. Dear Mother and Dad, - Wouldn't oass up writing home today for anything. The reason of course isn't hard to find, for as you doubtless know, today is Mother's Day, Wonder how many thousand fellows are doing this tonight It is to be hoped that all of them are. Received a short note from the kid today telling me that he ejected to get away next day. His letter is dated May 4th, so he should be mighty close to God's country by this time, and no doubt will be home when this reaches you. He says "Gosh, it's a , grand and glorious feeling- going home,'" My thoughts have been straying homeward all day, and I can quite understand the feeling. My God grant the.t the time will soon come when I too, will be journeying ^Mother-ward". Honestly, I'm homesick tonight, Mother mine, a very bad condition to allow one's sifelf to get in over here. We paraded to a town some four or five kilometres from here this afternoon to see the "Dumb bells". As per usual, they were very good, and it being a new show, I enjoyed it muchly. The town they are showing in is a fair sized one, and it being Sunday all the Miles, were togged out in their finest. Quite a bunch of pretty girls too, which didn't hip my homesick feeling any. Had a photo of our football team taken a couple of days ago, but so far I haven't obtained any of the cards. Saw the proof and it was very good. Expect I'll be sending one in my hext. Played two soccer games since I last wrote winning both.. On the last three games we have scored 11 goals, and have only had one scored on us. Speaks well for the goalie, doesn't it? Expect to play a ball game this evening, but were so late getting back from the show, that we had to call it off. Unless something unforseen oomes up, will be taking them on tomorrow, and of
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