97-051_LTRS 188
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2092_97-051_188.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T16:59:17.808ZOriginal Checksum: fb9ebd7f62677922de70f51e4771711dMime Type: image/tiff
- 185 Took in a mighty fine conoert last night- the "best I've ever seen over here, a programme of which I enclose, I should judge that it was set up by a French compositier. With one exception- Julian SI tinge- I have never seen a more clever female impersonator than Hamilton, who is a 9th Arrb. boy. His makeup was perfeot, gowns beyond description, actions natural, and the possessor of a wonderful voice. There wasn’t a v/eak spot in the show, an added attraction being the R.C.R. band which has just: returned from six weeks visit to Paris, Note your remarks re we two trying for a, commission. In what pray? Ho thanks, I know when I’m well off. Speaking of that picture we had taken in front of the holly tree- have you any of the sraaps yet? If so, wish you’d send me one for I’d like to see how I looked in civvies. Well, Mother I guess I’ve said my say, so will call quits on this one, and get busy on another,. As ever. Yours lovingly, FRED A "Cushy” cellar in France, Xmas eve, 1917. Dear Mother and Dad,- If anybody had told me this time last year that I would be writing another Xmas eve letter from Franc®,.! fancy I would have told him to "stow his jaw". And if any misguided person has the audacity to suggest that we’ll see another Xmas over here, I’ll certainly.have to take a osqck at.him. Somuch for that. While this place would hardly appeal to you folks as a dwelling in whioh to spend Xmas, nonetheless it is quite the most comfortable "dugout" I’ve been in for many a long day. It is really a brick cellar, the house to which it once belonged being nonexistent, due to the playful habit Frits has of lobbing over his heavy stuff just to see the bricks fly. It is furnished with no less than three tables, some half-dozen chairs- in more or less perfect state of preservation, a couple of benches, and above all, a red-plush easy chair, i’ll have to admit that it is minus an arm and a leg, but while the farmer is nonrep1aceable (or is it irreplaceable?) a petrol tin remedies the latter defect. If dad were * here I would probably have my claim to the chair disputed- as it is, I usually have no difficulty in flopping into it after meals. Also we have a swell grate fire, the flames from which are roaring up the ohimney in great style at present.
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