97-051_LTRS 214
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2118_97-051_214.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T13:28:16.222ZOriginal Checksum: 35ea1d3fa00de76f2de9ce133011256fMime Type: image/tiff
- / This afternoon we had the .unexpected pleasure of being taken out to a "shell pocked" field about a mile ante y, and being put through an hour’s strenuous more or less squad drill. It seems that we are to be inspected one of these fine days by Currie and a shield is to be given to the ambulance making the best all round showing in the Canadian Corps. Heed I remark, that after years in the army, I am looking forward w th a greet deal of pleasure to the ordeal? A Apparently an ambulance is not judged by the work it does "up the line" at least we've been told so more than once, - in fact, our oecoac O.C. informed us last winter that in his opinion the social side of a unit counted more than it's work in the line. He ha.s departed, I'm thankful to say. These inspections are on abomination, and I, for one, will be pleased vhen it is over.. You may have noticed in Haig*a comment, dated Friday Mar. 10th, the following "At dawn this morning the Canadians successfully raided the enemy's trenches south east of lens, bringing back 14 prisoners" This is just to let you know that our section was sent up the line for that raid. We went up the evening before, and were back at hdqrs. again by noon the next day. Getting used to those little stunts by now, Fritz sure must be having one h-- of a job dodging bombs the last few weeks, for our planes have ce- tainly been working over time. They start out at dusk, and keep up a regular procession till dawn. The air seemed to be full of them" last night, it being a swell moonlight night. Bombing is far harder on the nerves than shelling, and if the Air Board keep on with these raids, why,Fritz will cut out his Paris and London trips. But why talk about the war, when there are far more entertaining topics to deal with. We have some five acres around hqrs. ploughed and harrowed in readiness to plant spuds and other vegetables shortly. Of course we won't derive the benefit from them but every unit is doing likevri.se so viaerever we happen to be, there should be an ample supply of fresh vegetables this summer and fall. We "bucks" will sure appreciate them too, for the times are few and far between when we have any vegetables other than spuds or onions for a meal, Xmas was the last time I believe. In a letter to Marjorie some little whileago, I believe I mentioned something about the Vimy University, Since then text books on various subjects have come and gone. Hone of the books appealed to me, - too much political economy, English history,, gas and electrical engineering etc. As very fewof the boys manifested a desire to take up the studies, the books were turnedin to the i.M.C.A. Seemingly quite a few units have the same experience for now lectures are being given in the Y every night on various subjects. Haven't _ been to any as yet, not being greatly interested in "Germany","Austria * "Axithemdic", "Algebra", Am afraid that as far as the forward area is concerned, the scheme isn't going to prove as successful as the promoters imagined. - 211 -
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