97-051_LTRS 8

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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File Size: 101033026
Filename: 1912_97-051_008.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T15:54:30.416Z
Original Checksum: 37d1e76819d8a199aec935f5fd75a0c1
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  • this afternoon. Many thanks for your congratulations and for the cakes and candy. We sampled the latter after drill at 4.30 hut as supper starts at 5» didn’t break into the cake. Oan’t say just what will happen to it tonight, hut can safely guar­antee that our tent will he closed against all intruders around 9 this evening. That chocolate icing sure looks mighty nice too and doubtless will meet the same fate as the cakes. I had completely forgotten about today being my birthday until Harold reminded me of it this morning with a pound on my back. 3 The weather has sure been awful here for the past few days Raining all night and most of the day. Started drilling this morning at 8.45 'but were forced to quit in less than half an hour by a fierce rain storm. It cleared off this afternoon and we put in a good afternoon’s work in spite of a heavy wind which is now rapidly assuming the proportions of a regular storm The ground up here is of a " clayey” nature just how muddy they are when the rain hits it for a few hours. Our lines are not quite as bad as the battalions on account of less men to trample them. To get up to a canteen on a wet day requires some maneuvering resembling somewhat the progress of a man half seas over. Both of us were vaccinated today, and was glad to get it over, although the ill effects if any, will not be felt for a week yet. It had to be done so the sooner the better. Have had no trouble with inoculation outside of the day immediately following same. Have only one more inoculation to go through with, and then that part of it will be finished. I guess it must do same good or they surely wouldn’t go to all that trouble and expense. Your friend Olough has just been given his corporal's stripes. He has steady work on the hospital wards, in fact I have never seen him on drill. He is a good men, and deserves his • promotion. There are vacancies on the N.G.O, staff for eigat corporals, and they are giving the men on drill a chance to obtain them. I have no desire to get them so haven't made any attempt, although I fancy I could do as well in issuing commands as some of the fellows who tried it today. Can’t say yet just when we will be back although the rumor is that the draft is to leave next week on the 2nd, and the re­mainder start for the coast the day after. I hope that this will be the case, as this is no place for camping out this time of year. The snow was all around us on the hills this morning, and it won't be long before the rain we are now having will be* turned into snow. Sleep fine now though, but it is practically impossible to do very much drilling and that is what we are paid
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