97-051_LTRS 167
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- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2071_97-051_167.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T13:26:17.251ZOriginal Checksum: 1aa0af92690611001ebb27d32382a40fMime Type: image/tiff
- 164 France, Sept. 2nd, 1917. Dear Mother end Dad,- About time I wee getting busy isn’t it, seeing that I haven’t written for two weeks. Did write a letter five days ago but it was such a poor attempt that I tore it up. Hope this will be a better one. This ambulance might very well be called a flying unit, for we’ve shifted headquarters twice since I last wrote, and are moving again tomorrow. At present we are billeted in a mining town some eight or tenkilometres back of the line. Shan’t be sorry to see the last ofit, for Fritz has been paying it some attemtion from his long range guns. Got three little kiddies with one shell yesterday. Devilish work on his part, just wanton destruction, that’s all. You’ll be pleased to hear that we have seen quite a few of the old gang lately. Our ambulance relieved the unit to whioh Bill, Hank et al are attached some ten days ago, Goldie was the only one there when we arrived,,the others being up the line, Pisby put in his appearanoe first, closely followed by Hank, Bill, and Piute. Their unit didn’t pull out till next morning so we had quite a time together. Did you know that Hank had been down to the sea shore below Boulogne for ten day's sick leave? And that Bill had been soaked 28 days No 1 for putting some stuff in a letter that he shouldn't? And that Piute end Goldie are going on leave to Marseilles, Piute only over here four months too? Your lest parcels came along infine shape ten days ego, the letter advising that they had been sent, arriving four deys later. Just tell Agnes for me, will you, that she has developed into a mighty fine cookie expert. Don't know when I tasted anything better than those macaroons and nut cookies (or whatever their technical name is). The lemon cream tasted mighty fine too. Missed the flaky pie crust though. Thanks very much for the Portland candy, Mother. It didn’t last very long believe me, Hope to be able to send you a photo of the "dirty dozen" next time I write. We had one taken here yesterday, but won't see the proof till this evening so can’t tell "what like it is", Considering that the artist had such mighty fine subjects to work on, the picture ought to be a masterpiece. Was up the line for four days on a working party, coming back a couple of nights ago. Fifty odd men built a sandbag wall 3^ long, 8 feet thiok, and 10 feet in height to protect a dreeping station. Used up some ten or twelve thousand send bags, hexing to carry them about a hundred end fifty yards. I’ll be a greet bo- hunk when I get thru with this affair. Having dandy weather these days, but find it e trifle chilly
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