Transcript |
- May 23/41 [1941]
Ian [McTaggart Cowan] up at 4:30; I, a little after 5. One Pero-
gnathus, 1 common toad + 1 blue racer in traps.
Ian [McTaggart Cowan] collected 4 Perognathus, dug one out + caught it
alive, 1 cotton tail rabbit, 1 rattlesnake
and one red shafted flicker alive, with injured
wing. He [Ian McTaggart Cowan] also saw Horned larks [underlined]
Crows around camp.
After lunch we seined the lake side pond
along road to dairy and collected one
carp, [illegible word, written postscript] [male symbol, written postcript] 15 to 20 tench(?), 3 catfish in breeding
colours, + 3 yearlings, one bass plus 2 yearlings
and one turtle.
Returned to camp and set net off our
beach. When it was hauled at dusk we
took 1 sucker (large) + 1 small, several cottids
and a perch.
About the same time we heard peculiar noise
in nearby tree + located an owl's nest in
hollow cotton wood 60' [feet] from the tent! In it
were seen 1, perhaps 2, downy young at bottom of
hole. Female, sitting in next tree, was shot.
Hoelbols [Holboell's] grebe making much noise on lake.
While setting a rabbit snare at entrance to
runway beneath a rock Ian [McTaggart Cowan] saw another rattler.