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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 855
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Filename: 8280_img_122.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T00:54:04.068Z
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Creator Transcript
  • London. Dec [December] 4/52 [1952]. Spent the day at the British Museum where I devoted the morning to looking up literature in the Library and the afternoon to examining the birds of the Lyall collection + having a look round the dept [department] of mammals. The division of birds under Mr [James David] Macdonald seems to be well organized but lacking ornithologists. The Division of mammals seems to be in a hell of a mess, particularly as regards the larger material. I gather that [Terence] Morrison-Scott is strictly the closet systematist. He has no very clear idea of the function + importance of Taxonomy as a branch of modern zoology. His main approach seems to be to classify mammals into groups that do not seem to grade into one another - these he views as species. If in doubt he is a lumper every time. He states for example that the red deer from Scotland when taken to New Zealand became wapiti therefore the two are the same species. Too bad he doesn't get outdoors enough to appreciate the animals as living organisms. The chief joy there seems to be reviewing literature + copying old books into new lists. I heard the statement that copying one book was cribbing; copying several was research while getting others to copy them for you was directing a project.
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