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A. Overview
The Canadian Family Tree. Ottawa, Queen's Printer, 1967, (UBC-Main) F5028 A3 1967
A concise history of the Chinese in Canada is included in the book, pp. 51-61. Its special feature is a brief mention of some of the outstanding Chinese Canadian individuals.
Cawston, Alfred Hamilton. "John Chinaman: Recollections of A. H. Cawston." Okanagan Historical Society Report. 1967, pp. 107-117. (PA) NW906 041 v.31
Recollects past experiences with the Chinese and concludes that "We must remember with respect the unique people we call John Chinaman,"
"Chinese in Canada." Chinatown News. Vol. 6, no, 8, 1958, pp. 8-10, 15, 17, 53-58.
Lists contributions to Canada by the Chinese people as a group and as individuals. (Reprinted from the Citizen)
"Chinese in Canada." Chinatown News. Vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 5-6, Sept. 18, 1961.
Very brief overview of Chinese Canadian history. Has some information on the community organizations.
Chung, Wallace, "History of the Chinese People in Canada."
Chinatown News. Vol.24 no. 9, Jan. 18, 1977, pp. 4-5. Vol.
Zb, no. 10, Feb. 3, 1977, PP. 10-11, Vol. Zh, no. 11, Feb. 18, 1977, pp. 12-13.