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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 2700
Width: 1960
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File Size: 15900960
Filename: 4425_img_195.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T02:26:52.709Z
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Creator Transcript
  • Surf bird. Hunter Island, B.C. [British Columbia] July 3, 1939. Encountered a flock of 8 birds + one black turnstone on a rock in the entrance to Kildit Arm. The 4 taken were all females that could not positively be said to have bred. Vancouver Dec. [December] 6, 1947 On Oct [October] 23 + again today took specimens of surf birds out of a large mixed flock of rock inhabiting shore birds on the Iona Island jetty Stomach contents:- 1. green algae = Ulothrix 2 cc [cubic centimetres] 2. " " 1 cc [cubic centimetre] + 1 Thais [word crossed out] Argobuccinium (8 mm [millimetres]) 3. " " 1 cc [cubic centimetre] + 2 Littorina Vancouver. Dec. [December] 26. 1. 1 cc [cubic centimetre] filamentous green algae = Ulothrix 2. 1/2 cc [cubic centimetre] green sheet alga = Prasiola 3. 1 " " " " 4. 1/2 " " " " 5 1 1/2 cc [cubic centimetres] " " " 6. 3/4 " " " " 7. 1/5 cc [cubic centimetre] " filamentous algae = Ulothrix + 8 small bits of jagged quartz. 8 3 pieces mussel shell. 9. .1 cc [cubic centimetre] small barnacles .2 cc [cubic centimetre] filamentous algae .2 cc [cubic centimetre] littorina.
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