97-051_LTRS 200
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
- Fixity Check
- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2104_97-051_200.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T17:46:59.422ZOriginal Checksum: ff3914e4a25b8a65207b47f2a33a87b0Mime Type: image/tiff
- 197 orange and lemon trees, the fruit of which were in prime shape when we were there. Later on in the afternoon we dropped in to the Leave Club for afternoon tea, it having just teen opened the previous day. In prewar days the rooms it occupies were used for gambling purposes and as such were much frequented by Edward VII when he was Prince of bales. We were shown the room upstairs which he used to occupy when in Cannae* Went toa movie in the evening, and then decided to take a trip to Lice in the morning to try and arrange to have our passes changed to there. An exceptionally pretty place, Cannes, but rather too quiet m the evenings to suit our restive spirits. George wssn't feeling quite up to the mark in the morning so Ered and I caught the 9 o’clock train, after promising to return for George in the morning. It is a three hour ride by train from Cannes to Nice, but we enjoyed every minute of it. Rode in an open car all the way. Stopped in Antibes for 20 minutes, and managed to give the town a glance or so. Arrived in Nice at noon, and proceeded first of all to satisfy the demands of the inner man.. That important business disposed of, we proceeded to hunt up the A.L.M. Unfortunately he was out, so we had to do business with the clerk. Eirst we reported our arrival and had our passes stamped. Then we broached the subject of having our passes changed to Nice, but to our chagrin, the clerk informed us that his majesty had given him strict orders that very morning not to alter any more Canadian passes. We believed him at the time, but found out subsequently that he had no use for Canadians, and while pleasant to their faces, never lost an opportunity to dig them in the back. We left there kicking ourselves figuratively because we hadn't gone straight through to Nice instead of dropping off in Cannes. .Now Nice is possibly five or six times as large as Cannes, so it didn't take us very long to decide that A.P.K. or no A.P.M. we were going to take a chance and move up there in the morning. Of course we might have had our leave cancelled for doing so, but no such thing happened, so we should worry. This decision made, we wandered downto the'Promenade des Anglais, and it being a glorious afternoon, the youth and beauty of the entire city were in evidence. mingled with the promenaders for a while, then spying a vacant bench, squatted and let the villagers pass us for a change. I think every Allied power had a representative in that throng. The Erench have the most wonderful variety of uniforms it would be possible to imagine. Seemingly they are allowed to pick their own coloors, and they sure take advantage of it. Gaudy doesn't begin to express their Weerance. Gold braid, silver braid, blue braid, yellow braid, blue" trousers, violent scarlet trousers, black trousers, ell the colors of the rainbow in fact. And the medals, ye gods® oodles of 'em.. They wear them on their great coats, leather jerkins, tunics, and no doubt they carry an extra set on their shirts.. A Erench officer without two or three of them didn't heave in sight all afternoon. Our decorations
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