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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 10:26
Height: 5580
Width: 3796
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Filename: 4911_pg_428.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T18:33:32.548Z
Original Checksum: 09023e329da215fafb10c07ecec391e3
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Creator Transcript
  • with the gun and soon saw a flock of pipits of which one landed on a rock and I got it. Somewhat later I came onto a group of four ptarmigan; the first I had ever seen. They made no attempt to fly or escape in any manner, so that it was an easy matter to watch them. It was a hen and three young and eventually after they were duly photographed I took the hen and two of the young. Later, right at the top of the peak, I saw another [sentance crossed out]. Somewhat further on, I saw another single bird and took it for a male but it turned out to be a female. At the very peak, in a snowstorm, I saw another bird. Near the summit four Ravens came over. and [word crossed out] I had about given up any chance of Rosy finches but right at the top I put one up. It dived over the cliff into the fog. I started hunting them then, but it was not until after the rest of the party got to the top that I finally got one, about 100 feet below the summit. Later on the way back down I got another as it came along and settled on a nook. Quite different to the Ptarmigan these were very shy and difficult to shoot. On the way down nothing else was seen. Fog and rain [crossed out] snow at the summit changed to rain as we came down: the weather was pretty bad. A hummingbird was also seen near the top.
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