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- I will not be in the bed-pan carrying business, and am personally mighty glad, as a hospital orderly has a rotten time of it. Twelve hours work a day, and seven days a week.
We are to go under oanvas on or before the 10th of this month and have from all accounts a pretty nice camping ground. Will seem like old times to get under canvas again. The birds are singing all around the garden and spring is sure in the air.
Yesterday morning we had a preliminary review in anticipation of Sam Hughes* visit tomorrow. It is rumored that the King is going to be present too. We were up on the plains (yesterday) along with all the troops in this military area numbering in all about 20,000. It was some sight to see them all in motion. Also saw three dirigibles and eight aeroplanes maneuvering around.
Wish you would send along my light underwear. Have a hunch it is going to be welcomed before long. Also socks are beginning to wear out. Have had more;route marches in a week here than in four months in Victoria,
Wrote to Mr. Brayne but received reply MHo mail", Hope to get some before long.
With my best love to all from
Yours lovingly,
Dibgate Oam?,
Kent, England.
April 9, 1916.
Bear Sis,-
Bon't know for the world what I am going to write about, but having made a 'start guess I'll be able to reel off a few pages before my fount runs dry; The sight of Bill across the table from me scribbling away at a fearful rate incites me on.
But on the other hand the efforts of a very amateurish and consequently noisy pianist have the opposite effect on me. Am writing this in the Y.M. rooms in Hythe, which is a small town on the coast, about two miles from camp. It is a little larger than Sandgate and its chief attraction is a very old church, through which Harold, John Greig and I wandered and wondered this afternoon. Although it was built in the 13th century it is still used. The furnishings in it are very quaint and interesting.
There are some very fine memorial tablets on the walls ranging^ in date from 1397 up to one in mem or i am of Lieut, Valentine V.G.who was killed at Ypres, The altar is a magnificent piece of work, as it is also the baptismal fountain. But the piece de resistance