97-051_LTRS 91

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 1995_97-051_091.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T16:53:40.418Z
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Creator Transcript
  • 91 Before I forget it again, there’s a few little things I’d like very much to have included in the next parcel.’ One is Men- thdatum. Two of the 25/ size, one for each of us, would do. -Also half a dozen Ever-Ready Blades, And a few ha ch el or buttons would not go far wrong. While on the subject of parcels, guess you’d © > like to know that the one with our scarves came to hand O.K.,al­though it was over two months on the way. Bid I mention before that only one diary was in that parcel along with the sweater? Oh! another thing, this time in the eatable line. Remember that lemon cream stuff that you use for lemon pies? Well just slap some of that into a bottle, and ship it across as fast as you like for it is sure "bon" dope, I don’t know when the kid will be back here again, but in; all probability it will be in; a few days. Was in to see him a couple of times when we were up the line. You ought to see the mop of hair he has now. Some pompadour, believe me. Now I think I’ll read over your letters, Mother, of Nov. 20th and 27th, neither of which I've answered yet, having received both of them while up the line. The kid has read the 20th one,, but has yet to see the other. As a rule when a fellow sends a "whizz-bang" it means that he is too lazy to write a letter. In my case though, it invariably means that I’m up the line, and too busy to write, Savvy? That Red Gross which I sent home was the one I used to wear on my greatcoat. It.came loose down on the Somme, and I took it off one night as we were taking out a wounded man, putting my great ©oat over him to shield him a bit from the driving rain. Bidn’t have enough "ambish" to. sew it on again, so thought I'd send it home, thinking you’d like to have it. Boesn't it seem queer to be sleeping downstairs, or have you become accustomed to it by now? Some radical change, believe me. A wise move though to my way of thinking. Just think of the hun- H dreds of steps you save by not having to chase upstairs for every little thing you want. As for us, why a bed in the barn would be palatial when compered with some of the joints we've slept in since leaving home. There's one sure thing, and that is that we will appreciate more than ever all the comforts of home, when we get back. You ask about underwear. Well, we have a bath parade every so often and at such times are usually issued with a complete ohange. Of course the unddrwear varies, sometimes it is heavy,and then again as in the present instance, it may be t'other way around. On the whole though we manage all right, but am looking forward to the day when I ..can wear my own duds again, Bon't trouble about re­plenishing our housewives Pins, we can get them any day, and raide from a few bachelor buttons, we rarely use them. Remember
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