97-051_LTRS 158
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- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2062_97-051_158.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T13:25:58.336ZOriginal Checksum: 370457ce09c8831bcaa4f02f677f5a47Mime Type: image/tiff
- I ley no claims to "being e brilliant racpcfteur, "but ?will say tbet those kid? fairly "ate up" my tale. In fact they 1 over* to hear about the work we did uo the line. Dinner over, the relative meritsof the Casino de Paris and the Demina ee theetreein which to spend the evening, were discussed. Ade held out for the former, "but Elsie favored the Demina. To settle the question, I flipped a penny, and Eleie won. ThePemino was the theatre in which they were to open in a counle ofweeks. The Demina wee on the Champs Elyseee, and is the "chiceet"- if there is such a word- theatre in Paris. Seating only 500, the seat prices range from 6 francs upward. It differs from any theatre I’ve ever "been in too, inasmuch as the "balcony is on a level with the street. Wasn’t particularly struck with the show, it "being a Drench revue. The seenery was very "beautiful though, and the costumes were simply wonderful. Scanty at times I will admit, but then it is war time, and it is sinful to use too much of a good thing. There was one act "The Tomboys" given by a couple of English girls, A& knockabout comedians and tumblers I have yet to meet their equal. Our girls knew them well, end at half time introduced us to them. Met them quite often afterwards as they lived in the same hotel as our kids. Taxied back to the Marquise after the show, and hade little refreshment in the girl’sroom. During wartime all cafes in Paris close st 9.3°» Too bad, for we would have enjoyed a midnight supper more than once. Kissed the girls goodbye about one o’clock, and started to walk back to our hotel. Our usual route was by the Rue Pigalle, then taking the second turning on the left, which led us straight into the Place St. George, to the right of which Rue St. George led off. Dor some reason or other this night we started down the Rue Duneue,which runs parallel to Rue Pigalle for a short distance then makes a gradual curve to the right. We'd gone home by that route once before and thought we knew the way. Discovered our mistake before longthough, when we found ourselves walking in a totally unfamiliar neighborhood. Wandered around for a wbile- weren't worrying any for it was a. lovely night- then etopoed another night hawk, and inquired the way to the Place St. George. In fairly good English he gave us minute directions as, to the route we should take. Thanking him, off we went again, this time arriving in a Place, the name of which we ascertained was Glichy. We knew then that we were far off our objective, for the Boulevard Glichy is quite a walk from the hotel. No taxis in sight, so on we went again. A Prenchman in evening dress- probably a head waiter- coming along, Charlie stopped him with "Ou est le Place St. George, Monsieur, si voue plait?" He pulled a bone that time all right, for Prenchy came beck with a perfect torrent of words and gestures, and not savvying one word of it, all we could do was to nod our heads occasionally and murmuring "Oui" every so often. lie stooped at last, and it was with a sigh of relief that we "merci biened" him and ducked
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