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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
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Filename: 2000_pp_015.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T05:36:32.127Z
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  • -13- Tonquin Valley, 6540' A large valley running approximately east and west from the summit of Maccarib Pass across the B.C. [British Columbia] - Alberta boundary. Maccorib [Maccarib] Creek flows down the middle of the valley to join Meadow Creek which flows at right angles to join the Miette River. Along the river is a belt of very marshy country where the chief vegetation is willow and various sedges. On either side there is then a narrow belt of spruce and alpine fir and then the rolling uplands on the north side of the valley and an abrupt wall of peaks on the south. On these uplands is a herd of about 150 head of caribou; about half way down the valley is Amethyst Lake. Surrounded by marshy land on 3 sides and scree slopes on the 4th side. On this lake, male surf and white-winged scoter and American Goldeneye, were seen. About half a mile up the valley towards Maccarib Pass, from the warden's cabin a small river comes in from the north. Near the source of this river whistlers and horned larks were very common and two pairs of leucosticte were nesting. July 18, 1930. Morning dull. Afternoon rain and hail. Took 5 pikas on rockslide on mountain s.e. [southeast] Saw pair white-tail ptarmigan, Leucosticte, myrtle warbler, yng. [young] golden cr. [crowned] sparrows, yng. [young] pipets [pipits] in nest, 2 dead out of nest, 3 alive in it. Took new sparrow. (Brewer's) = (Timberline) [hand written] July 19, 1930. Rain. Skinner all day. July 20, 1930. Lifted traps and packed up. July 21, 1930. Fine. Left Tonquin 7.20 - arrived Jasper 1.20 - Lunch in town, Snaring in evening. On way out saw chipmunks and conies near Cavell Road. July 22, 1930. Made camp at Snaring - set out some traps for flying squirrels and some for voles at Pocohontas.
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