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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 10:26
Height: 2760
Width: 1925
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 15964440
Filename: 5861_pp_217.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T19:35:42.661Z
Original Checksum: 437942791a8741a05627e84078aef071
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • In forest edge saw 2 creepers, 100 +/- crows, 25 Chickadees, Kinglets, Juncos, songsparrows Ravens + woodpecker, 12 +/- robins. At marsh saw 2 ad [adult] red-tails + nearly shot a young male. Sandspit. Aug. [August] 28/46 [1946]. Walked to marsh just after breakfast. En route through open fields saw many barn swallows + several ravens, nothing else. In shrubbery along beach edge several song sparrows + a wren or two. In heavy conifer forest 1 [male symbol] Townsend warbler, 2 Creepers + several chickadees, kinglets + wrens, 2 sapsuckers At marsh saw only wrens + song sparrows. Flora of marsh is interesting, central part fills up + there cow lilly [lily] is dominant with a sparse mixture of arrow? weed. around this is an area dominated by small juncus + a coarse sedge or sparganium; slightly higher the cotton grass dominates the moist areas + 2 or 3 sedges the drier areas - Mixed in are bog myrtle, potentilla + a violet. still nearer the margin the sedge gives way to a mixture of sedge + grass, this extends to the shrub border which is an associes of crabapple, salal + red cedar. The absence of willow on the islands is noteable. Just the one species seen so far.
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