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- VIII Tiger
dark grey jade with brown veins and markings,
height 3.8 cm
McElney Collection
Tiger depicted with all four legs to one side forming a straight line; its head turned sideways with mouth wide open; one perforation between the forepaws; base is flat. Stylistically this piece can be com�pared with a gilt bronze leopard with silver inlay found in the Western Han tomb of Dou Wan.
pale green jade with brown markings, length 6.5 cm Tang or later McElney Collection
Recumbent ox or Indian buffalo with well rendered details of face; flat almost undecorated base; brown markings in stone here to represent spotted hide. The forelegs are folded beneath the body in a man�ner which is similar to other sculptures attributed to the Tang.
X Dragon-headed Tortoise
greyish white jade with brown markings, length
5.5 cm
Late Song - early Ming McElney Collection
This mythological creature has the body and shell of a turtle and the head of a dragon; the shell is bossed and planed; the finely rendered head has two horns; slightly opened mouth showing upper and lower canines and a tiny tongue. The tortoise is a sacred animal in China, and an emblem of longevity, strength and endurance. Combined with a dragon�s head, it is made into a divine creature.
XI Dragon-headed Turtle
pale green jade with brown markings, length 5 cm Song - Ming McElney Collection
Unusual depiction of a dragon-headed turtle with massive balled feet. The shell shows a well-defined planed surface, which was popular from Song times onwards.
white, translucent jade, length 8 cm Song
McElney Collection
Recumbent ram with chest protruding; of elegant and accurate shape; detailed facial treatment with shaping of the face into planes. The jade is of the extremely fine, uniformly pure white quality, so highly prized during the Song dynasty. It is a superb piece imbued with the same spirit and beauty as some of the stone ram sculptures found at the Northern Song Imperial tombs at Gongxian, Henan.
beige jade with russet veining, height 7.2 cm Northern Song McElney Collection
Deep cup with recessed base. Similar recessed bases can be found on Northern celadon pieces of the late eleventh century. The jade-stone with russet flecking suggests a Song date.
XIV Hair Ornament with Pin
white lychee flesh colour jade, height 3.5 cm, width
5.5 cm; length pin 7.7 cm
McElney Collection
Hollow barrel-shaped ornament with spirals in open�work on the sides. The surface is undecorated except for an incised rim. Unusual extending flap at rear side. The accompanying pin is of later date (Yuan or early Ming); it is made of white jade with a ruyi head decorated with C-scrolls. During Yuan and Ming this type of hair ornament for men was used as part of a revival of an �antique� mode of dress. This fashion probably started during the Song. Jadeofthiscolourwas not available afterthe Xuan De period (1426-35) of the Ming dynasty.
XV Camel with Groom
mottled pale greenish white jade with brown mark�ings, length 9.3 cm Yuan
McElney Collection
Crouching camel being pulled forward by its non- Chinese groom who wears a flowing robe with long sleeves and a cap with feathers. The position of the groom�s legs convey a strong impression of move�ment. The group is very realistically depicted.
XVI Frog on Lotus Leaf
greyish white jade with brown markings, length 8 cm Ming
McElney Collection
Realistically modelled frog on a lotus leaf. The brown colouration in the stone has been used to its full advantage representing a leaf, which shows the first signs of withering, on the frog�s head. Design and execution are both extremely satisfying.
mottled beige, pale green and brown jade, length 6.3 cm Late Ming McElney Collection
Frog with bulging eyes and bumps on back. The bumps might foretell the coming of many descen�dants. Frogs were a popular subject during the late Ming.
XVIII Boy with Cat
greenish grey and dark grey jade, height 7.6 cm Ming
McElney Collection