97-051_LTRS 283

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
Width: 5100
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File Size: 101033026
Filename: 2187_97-051_283.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:31:53.874Z
Original Checksum: a39b19f08d864f09c3b9acf67eaed40c
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • 279 of beans and a couple of slices of toast constituted my meal a little warning for you, Mother. Take my tin and stock larder good and plentiful or I'll eat you out’ of house Willing to take the chance, Aren't you? Here* s up your and home. _ Let took my Hun helmet away with him, my instructions being for him to leave it with his folks till ceiled for. Had I felt so inclined I could have made a wad of money out of those six helmets of mine. The one I gave to Let I was offered 80 francs for, and it waen
  • t the best , of the lot either. As it was, all the realized was 30 francs, that sum being obtained for one t,o middlin'^sb^pe. It's a, cinch I can't be a tightwad.' capital I in only fair Some vegetable garden you have this year. I wouldn't mind a cob or two or three or four, of your Golden Bantam corn. Haven't any since 1 left home, a.nd you know how long ago that is "Eats" again. Sorry to make this so short a letter, but really cen s or able news is as scarce as hen’s teeth. Will try and make a better job of It H6Xt W As eber, Yours lovingly, BREL P. S, Almost forgot* Please send me an express money order - not a Stnf kV5?'0? ToVee i’n not oertsin ,'heaier money ia still in the E.o. Land, so do not care to write to Mr. Brevne for it sufficef°r ^ neXt leave* That v/ith I can draw ought to Prance, November 4th, 1918, Lear Harold, - Heartiest congratulations on your hr ill ian victory in the tennis tournament. Talk about me being a lead swinger* Still in hospital and playing tennis and baseball. If that isn’t obtaining money under false pretences, I want to know. The quicker you get' your discharge and settle down the better it will be for you for you're leading altogether too frivolous a life. When I was your age 6 0tC# , , . mentioned some snaps in a recent letter. What's the matter? Por&ot to send 'em? Kick through in your next, will you the Lvnf+Xh°U^ t0 *ee ho* you l00k in civvies. I suppose the Govn't hands a fellow with his discharge doesn't go very far towards outfitting him in these days of high prices.
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