Transcript |
- Journal.
New Birds seen. 1 Tree Creeper 1, 3 Least Sandpiper
Reset most of my trap line concentrating
along the river near the place where
the Peromyscus [underlined] was taken. In evening
we saw 2 bats but they were
moving fast + in places where
collecting was impossible.
Rose Harbour. Aug. [August] 11, 1946
Traps Charlie [Charles J. Guiguet] 46, self 40 mouse traps 9 rat,
4 steel. Catch Rattus rattus [underlined] 4, Rattus alexandrinus [underlined]
4, Peromyscus [underlined] 1, Sorex 4 juv. [juveniles]. I
Jays, juncos, song + fox sparrows +
russet backed thrush teem in the berry
bushes. 4 Pileolated warblers, 2 Q.C. [Queen Charlotte]
woodpeckers, + a chipping sparrow
were noteworthy records today. The
woodpecker was in the climax
conifer stand the warblers were
working the berry bushes.
Rose Harbour. Aug. [August] 12, 1946.
Traps took Black rat 4 Alexandria rat 3.
Sorex 5.
Spent part of day swamping trail to Moores
point + then Charlie [Charles. J. Guiguet] set a line along
it. In evening Charlie [Charles J. Guiguet] shot a myotis
keeni, [underlined] the lone bat that we have
seen around the cabin daily.
Thus far the Alexandrian rats have
predominated in the heavy salmonberry
thickets in + around the whaling station
while black rats predominate in