Japanese_Shinto_Shrine 36

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Tiffany Chan
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Filename: Japanese_Shinto_Shrine036.tif
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Creator Transcript
  • Selected Bibliography Akiyama, Aisaburo. Shinto and its Architecture, Kyoto, 1936. Boger, H. Batterson. The Traditional Arts of Japan, Garden City, 1964. Embree, John F. Suye Mura, A Japanese Village, Chicago, 1939. Fridell, Wilbur M. Japanese Shrine Mergers 1906-12, Tokyo, 1973. Futagawa, Yokio. The Roots of Japanese Architecture, New York, Evanston and London, 1963. Haruki, Kageyama and Guth Christine. The Art of Shinto, New York; Tokyo, 1973. Haruki, Kageyama and Danda, Christine Guth. Shinto Arts, Tokyo, 1976. Joly, Henri L. Legend in Japanese Art, London, 1908. Kato, Genchi. What is Shinto?, Tokyo, 1935. Kidder, J. Edward. The Art of Japan, New York, 1985. Munsterberg, Hugo. The Arts of Japan, Rutland and Rokyo, 1962. Nishi, Kazuo and Hozumi, Kazuo. What is Japanese Architecture?, Tokyo, New York and San Francisco, 1983. Okawa, Naomi. Edo Architecture: Katsura and Nikko, New York and Tokyo, 1975. Ono, Sokyo. Shinto, The Kami Way, Rutland and Tokyo, 1986. Ota, Hirataro. Japanese Architecture and Gardens, Tokyo, 1966. Paine, Robert Treat and Soper, Alexander. The Art and Architecture of Japan, London, 1955. Picken, Stuart D. B. Shinto, Japan�s Spiritual Roots, Tokyo, New York and San Francisco, 1980. Tange, Kenzo and Kawazoe, Noboru. Ise Prototype of Japanese Architecture, Cambridge, Mass., 1965. Watanabe, Yashutada. Shinto Art: Ise and Izumo Shrines, New York and Tokyo, 1974. 34
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