97-051_LTRS 152
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
- Fixity Check
- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2056_97-051_152.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T13:25:44.078ZOriginal Checksum: bec10bad62ce5a884ac8b40f8c37269dMime Type: image/tiff
- 149 prints made, I’d. "be very much obliged if you would enclose two or three in one of your letters, as I h©ve several young lady friend© to whom I’d like to ©end one. Don’t care to ©end the picture as it is at present. Do you blame me? © Received a long letter from Gus a few days ago. Everything seemed to be going fine with his tribe. Hope he makes his toy factory idea stick, for he seems to think that it will be a moneymaker. Every so often we receive copies of the Sporting Hews, which contains all the latest ball dope. Of course it is three weeks old when it reaches here, but is interesting to us none the less. By the way, I’m pretty certain that an occasional letter of yours is failing to turn up. In future just number your letters, and then I will know for sure whether any are missing. All I have to go by now is the date, and that isn’t very reliable. As you might expect, we are leading a very quiet life these days. Haven’t the inclination to wander around the village even, in fact have only been outside the camp twice since we came back* once to play a ballgame, and the other time to pick some blackberries for supper. The ballgame was between the combined team of the 3rd Biv. Ambulances and the 3rd Div. Signallers. Just two players from this unit were on the team, they being your two kids. Really, we have quite a rep. over here as ball players. The kid pitched and won hie game 8 to 4. I played left field, and handled all my four chances in faultless etyle, also managing to get a hit and a base on balls in four times at bat. The kid hit like a fiend, getting three safeties. Our next game in the divisional championship series is with the artillery, but don’t just know when it is to be pulled off. I mentioned some little while ego that we were receiving our Saturday Evening Posts, but perhaps the subs accounted for that letter. © This is going to be a bulky letter, but I guess it will go through all right. At least I sincerely hope so, for I’d hate to think that my labor of love was wasted. Love to all, Pred i
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