Transcript |
- that wherever there were game
tracks (in draws, swamps)
etc. wolves fanned out whereas
going over ridges, etc. they
traveled in single file,
each stepping in the tracks
of the preceeding [preceding] wolf. At
Cabin Lake, wolves had spent
considerable time and it appears
to be a habitual place for
Dec. [December] 28.
Tracked wolves as indicated
on map. Found where they
had attacked moose in
a narrow draw at head of
Cabin Lake, but it had
escaped without injury. Moose
and wolf tracks of same age
were evident and many broken
branches along moose trail.
We calculated wolves covered
16-18 miles (actually followed
by us) in not over 15 hours.
Banff [underlined]
Jan. [January] 2 Checked wolf dens with La
Casse at about mile 13 on
J-B [Jasper to Banff] road. They were high up
on bench in thick, wind-
blown jack-pine. A network
of runways under logs, much
elk hair around, as La Casse