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Turner, H. "Chinese Influence in B.C. Development." Chinatown News. Vol. 16, no. 17, May 1969.
Illustrates that the Chinese in B.C. took up their own practices of government.
Ward, W. P. "Oriental Immigrant and Canada's Protest Clergy, 1858-1925.rt B.C. Studies. 22:40-55, Summer 1974.
The Protestant clergy's response to Oriental immigrants from discussed. Although Protestant clergy appreciated the Chinese charitable and evangelical nature the conclusion is that the clergy felt assimilation and exclusion seemed the only possible solution.
Willmott, W. E. "Overseas Chinese Today and Tommorrow: a Review Article." Pacific Affairs. 42:206-214, Summer 1969.
A review article on books written on overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia. It focuses on their acculturation, and assimilation.
Wong, Foon Sien. "The Chinese Overseas." Chinatown News. Vol. 5, no. 1, Sept. 1957.
Explains the importance of overseas Chinese and their political relationship with China.
Woon, Henry. "The Road to Integration." Chinatown News. Vol. 10, no. 3, Oct. 1962.
Investigates how to bridge the gulf between Immigrants and American born Chinese.