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- teenth and eighteenth century blue and white por�celains, which were called meiren in Chinese and lange lijsen (Long Eliza) in Dutch. This figure with hair in a bun has small feet and flowing robes. In her hands she holds a peach signifying longevity.
77 Dragon in Cloth Wrapper
pale green jade with brown markings, length 5.7 cm Late Ming McElney Collection
Carving of a coiled dragon tied in a cloth wrapper with its head, neck and tail emerging. Depictions of animals, birds and inanimate objects in cloth wrap�pers is a Ming mannerism.
78 Bi-disc
pale greenish white jade with white clouding, dia�meter 20 cm Late Ming - early Qing Mrs. Massy Goolden Fund
�/-disc decorated in high relief with a man in long flowing robe with one arm raised, turning around to a dragon in cloud swirls, who spews water end�ing in crested waves below. The pattern of clouds and waves spills over onto the reverse side, which has a design of intertwining archaistic dragons round the central perforation, separated from each other by monster masks.
79 Conjuror
white jade, height 5.5 cm Late Ming - Qing McElney Collection
Man carrying a woman on his back, who holds a fly whisk in one hand and ribbons of her hair ornament in the other. The man wears a hat, long jacket and loose pants; he holds one of his shoes in his mouth and looks up at the woman. It has been suggested that this is a figure of an itinerant conjuror who pre�tends to be two people. By means of a shoulder- mounted puppet, the conjuror can flip a second person up from behind his back and so becomes a walking, one man theatre.
80 Carps
green jade with iron-rust markings, length 11 cm Early Qing, probably Kangxi period McElney Collection
Realistic depiction of a large carp with prominent dorsal fin followed by a smaller carp amongst waves which continue on the base. This carving uses the original pebble shape to its maximum advantage without becoming a forced design. The base con�sists of whirlpools of finely incised waves.
81 Cat
pale greenish white jade with russet markings, length 5.5 cm Early Qing McElney Collection
Crouching indignant looking cat with head turned
back and tail curled up its haunches; spine defined by planing; pleasing orange markings in fur. By way of a pun the cat symbolizes old age, the word for cat mao suggests the homophone mao, which sig�nifies the age of ninety years.
82 Long-tailed Bird with Plum Blossom and Lingzhi Fungus
white jade with brown markings, length 6 cm Early Qing McElney Collection
The bird, with plum blossoms, lingzhi and other plants, suggests a wish for longevity. It is finely carved in the typical style of the Suzhou school of the period. Clever use has been made of the brown areas to depict the plum blossoms.
83 Bird with Peaches
pale greenish white jade with russet markings, length 6.8 cm Early Qing McElney Collection
Bird holding a branch with two peaches in its beak; the leaves continuing on the underside as well as resting on its back. Pleasing use of the russet mark�ings on head, peaches and leaves.
84 Miniature Mountain
mottled pale green and white jade with brown and black markings, height 10.6 cm Early - middle Qing McElney Collection
Jade boulder carved to depict Bodhidharma, with book in hand, crossing the prominent waves of the Yangzi River on a reed. The other side is decorated with pine trees and fungus. Bodhidharma is the In�dian sage who brought Chan (Zen) Buddhism to China in the sixth century A.D.
85 Cat with Butterflies
greenish white jade, 4.5 cm Middle Qing
Harold and Vera Mortimer-Lamb Bequest
Charming carving of a cat with two butterflies rest�ing on its neck and haunches containing puns on long life. The word for cat mao has the same pro�nunciation as the word meaning �the age of ninety years�; the butterfly die, represent a word with simi�lar pronunciation signifying �the age of seventy or eighty years."
86 Two Cats
white jade with brown markings, length 5 cm Qing
McElney Collection
A pair of playing cats; use has been made of the jade skin to suggest cat�s fur. Cats and kittens gen�erally appear in art forms of the Qing dynasty.