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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 855
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Filename: 8242_img_084.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T00:52:54.577Z
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Creator Transcript
  • after leaving the nest - One dyed brood last year travelled kilometers in 2 days + was not seen again Siivonen has used an electric gap closing apparatus in the entrance to record the coming + going of the bird, the clymograph [climograph?] is fitted in a blind adjacent. Evo Research Station, Oct. [October] 2/52 [1952] In the morning went for a capercaille [capercaillie] hunt + ecological reconnoisance [reconnoissance] with Teppo-Lampio A fine, clear morning, Temp [Temperature] - 10 C [Celsius]. No birds seen. Later made a tour of the forest with its director Sarpannan. On wet ground Betula is the pioneer + spruce the climax + on the richest sites the succession will come unaided. On dry + sandy sites Pinus sylvestris is the pioneer + spruce will invade some areas. In others Betula [word crossed out] pine seems to be climax also. There is almost no intermixture of other tree species. A few salix, sorbus + some Populus tremula stands, a very little Corylus + that is all. On dryish areas Calamagrostis takes over on logging because of the release of nitrogen in the soil. Summer burning is practiced to kill the Calamagrostis + the area is then seeded to pine. Spruce seems to take care of its own seeding.
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