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- problem being the killing of them. My suggestion of prying their jews apart, and dropping some insect ponder down their throats,
.didn’t meet with the approval that it merited. Bill thought of embalming them, and sending them home,. but Hank put- his foot down on that suggestion too,, and the-unhappy lice being! under his foot, the question ^of their disposal automatically ended. As a result of this hair raising episode, we all put on dL ean underv/ear this morning.
Has the daylight saving scheme gone into effect over there yet? Thought we had escaped it when we came over here,, but no such luck,, as it came into, being about four days ago, [Doubtless it is a good idea in civilian life,, but it sute clays havoc with us,, in the matter of sleep, I mean, "Lights out" is blown at ten o’clock "summer" time,, when it is quite light, making it almost impossible to sleep,,< especially as nearly everybody surrounding us are busy talking for -t* at least an hour after. With "reveille" anywhere from four till five-thirty,, at the most it means only six and a half hours sleep), not enough when the hard work we do every day is taken into consideration, Will make up* for it one of these days though. Gee,, won’t a nice soft bed,, with clean sheets and a pillow, and pajamas feel great again. Absolutely no chance of sleeping in in the mornings as the orderly sergeant,, a comical French Canadian,, usually puts in an-appearance about five minutes after reveille armed with a bayonet to prod any "forty winkers",.
I guess Harold told you in his letter all about the boys leaving last week. Don’t know that I told you Frank Crompton had gone to Tapiow, just out of London, to take a course in massage. Picked up'-a picture of our draft from Victoria today, and out of curiosity reckoned up the fellows who have left. Out of the hundred who came over, only 30 ©re in oamp here, and half of them are leaving tonight, They are scattered in a sc ere of different hospitals etc. so you can see that‘.we four have done mighty well in sticking together, And if it is ]. humanly possible we will continue to do so.
Have been down to. Havre several times on fatigue parties lately, and the more I see of the city the less 1 like it. For one thing the wa.ter system is fierce*, no pipes apparently being laid into buildings and houses. They have contraptions after the style of a hydrant'.all along the streets,, and the people get their water from there. It is a common sight to., see kids pushing wheel barrows with water barrels on them along the streets. The streets are paved with cobble stones,, being very hard to walk upon.
It is amazing the quantity of clothing that fellows throw away before going up^the line. Having been on the "rag pickers gang" I have had ample opportunity to discover it. Everything is sorted out thoxigh, woolens, top shirts, towels, handkerchiefs’, sox, slacks,, etc. The sox are especially fine things to handle. I know that when I intend to throw away sox I wear them as long as I possibly can,, and judging from the aromatic aroma emanating from those