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[August] 25th [1943] Fair weather but cloudy over [Mount] Albert Edward.
Only one mouse in ravine set; more around
buildings. Hiked to Lake Beautiful for
lunch thence to Cruckshank Canyon. Back
to Lake B. [Beautiful] to fish then home by 7 P.M.
Birds seen - 8 geese on Woods Lake,
1 blue grouse, 1 sharp shinned hawk,
2 spotted sandpipers(?) at Lake Beautiful.
Set traps at barn; Beebe set martin traps - 3
[August] 26 [1943] Bright + clear. Nothing in traps but one
Left camp at 11 for Strata Mt. Lunch
on top at 2 P.M. Beebe returned to rock
slide for marmots. We descended other
edge of slide + returned home, arriving at
6 P.M. Beebe in at 6:30 by direct cross-country
Life seen. Sharp shinned hawks 1 + 1 pr [pair], Ravens.
several, juncos, chickadees + nuthatches (heard); deer;
red squirrel. bear droppings numerous.
Beebe saw 2 geese + shot one blue grouse [male symbol]
near Croteau Lake
[August] 27 [1943] Rain before daylight; heavy mist most of day.
Stayed in camp. Cut wood in A.M. [morning] Collected lake
material + fungi in A.M. [morning] Clark + Brindle to Panther L. [lake]
Party of 6 arrived 6 P.M. from Courtenay