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left: article: “A graceful way to grow old” “Wendy Cooper; a well-known Midland writer; who eight months ago decided to take tablets which; she thinks; can revolutionise the health of women approaching or going through the ‘change of life’…” [credit: Wendy Cooper]; article: “fashion by Fred” “Coal miner Fred Mountjoy couldn’t afford £50 for the dress…”; article with black and white illustration: “Dad’s special brush-up” “Men are every bit as vain as women on the quiet…”; article: “TV audiences watch in fascination while an American marriage disintegrates” [concerning ‘An American Family’]; article: “Vasectomy may go on the rates”; article: “Take a look” “It’s a very sound suggestion from Hollywood designer Edith Head…”; article: “Better late” “‘Twenty years of sex—and this is the first time this has happened;’ bleated multi-millionaire Bernie Cornfeld…” right: article: “Girl lands a monster shark”; article with black and white illustration: “Powerful women are frightening; not only to men; but to other women.” [credit: Penelope Mortimer] [photo: Penelope Mortimer?]

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