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Dean Seeman
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passed on September 06, 2024 at 12:39
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Filename: 63_ccbav_1_2_2_02_02_001.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-06T20:27:38.541Z
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Creator Transcript
  • BOARD OF SCHOOL, TRUSTEES OFFICE OF SECRETARY VICTORIA, B.C. February tenth, 1922. The Secretary, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Ass'n., Victoria, B. C. Dear Sir: In reply to your letter of January 18th last, I beg to assure you that there is no intention on the part of the Board to discriminate against Chinese pupils or any others not able to speak the English language except with a due regard to their best interests and the interests of the schools in general. At Rock Bay School one of the classes was very much overcrowded. No teacher could do justice to her pupils under such conditions. They could not make satisfactory progress. There was only one immediate mode of relief open and that was the one taken. The reports of School Board Meetings published in the press are not always accurate and do not always convey the true meaning intended by the speaker. I know that it was not in the mind of the Muni¬cipal inspector to have boys living, say in Foul Bay, to attend a Chinese school at a distant point if these boys were of the usual school age and could speak English. The progress that has been made by Chinese pupils in the public schools is, as you say, a matter of record and one of which you have every reason to be gratified. Regretting very much the evident dissatisfaction which the report of the school board meeting in question created in the minds of a large number of Chinese residents, I am Yours truly, Secretary of the Board.
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