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G. Immigration Policies
Andracki, S. The Immigration of Orientals into Canada with Special Reference to the Chinese, McGill University Phd Thesis, Montreal, 1958. (UBC) AW1 R336 (Micro) (SFU) F02 117 (Micro)
A study on the immigration of Orientals from 1871 to 1947. Chapter 1 focuses on unrestricted immigration to the $500. head tax, chapter 2 on the head tax system and the Exclusion Act of 1923, chapter 3 on the repeal of the Chinese Immigration Act and chapter 4 on after the appeal.
Angus, H. F, "A Contribution to International ill-will," Dalhousie Review, Vol. 13, no.1, April 1933, pp. 22-23.
Discussion in the Chinese Immigration Act and certain orders-in-councils.
Averay, D. and Neary, P, "Laurier, Borden and a White B,C," Canadian Studies. Vol. 12, Summer 1977, pp. 24-34.
The article illustrates the conflicting relationship between the Federal Government and the B.C. Government with respect to immigration policies.
"Ban Lifted on Brides-to-Be." Chinatown News, Vol. 3, no. 24, Aug. 1956.
New regulations allow prospective brides to enter Canada,
Bonavia, George, "The Green Paper on Immigration Opens Debate Across Canada," Chinatown News, Vol. 22, no. 12, Mar. 1975,
A general description of the aim, the role and the importance of the Green Paper,