97-051_LTRS 183

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Karen Dykes
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Filename: 2087_97-051_183.tif
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Creator Transcript
  • 180 Ames, Prance, Hot. 30th, 1917. Pear Mother and Pad,- Haven't had a letter from home cince I last wrote, but hav­ing some spare time on my hands this afternoon, thought I could do worse then drop you e few lines, especially in view of the punk letter I sent you about a week ago. (Hope you'll excuse writing. I've just washed my hands and seemingly can't do a. thing with them.) I certainly hope the kid has been more liberal in his writ­ing to you than he has to me, for I've only received the one short note since he went down the line, to which I referred in my last letter. Of course I know that he is all right, but just the same another letter from him would be greatly appreciated. I wrote him to that effect last night,,but have hopes that our letters will cross each other. Also I reminded him to be sure and write to you folks often, for as you have already found out, he is rather lax in that respect. Am pleased to say that conditions have changed since my last letter, 'Member how I kicked about the cold? V/ell next morning we fellows in the billet - about 18 of us - rented a room in the house a few yards away from the barn, and established the "GIMME" Club, The reason for the nme ought to be obvious. It is a dandy room, electrically lighted,, furnished with tables and chairs, and most important of all, has a fine stove with plenty of fuel. We gay 15 francs a week for the use of the room from morning till ,30 P.M* at which hour we retire to our sleeping quarters in the barn, We wouldn't kick one little bit if we were billeted here all winter, for it is certainly comfortable in the evenings,, and far ahead of sittingaround in the cold barn. What kind of a job do you imagine I'm on now? Pid I ever show any aptitude for dentistry? I'm just inquiring for yester­day they picked me off parade to take the place of the dental sergeant udiile he is on leave, Myduties so far consist mostly of doing the clerical work, but this afternoon I've sterilized some of the instruments, and doubtless? before long I'll be assigned to the task of yanking out aching molars. It speaks well for the reputation I have in this unit, when a fellov: member of our club asked me this morning how many gold teeth I'd glommed onto already Unfortunately we do no-gold work here, so I was able to answer him in the negative. Expect to be on the job for about a week when I'll be relieved by the dental officer's batman, who is on leave. Am enclosing a picture we had take nab out a week ago. It isn't exactly a masterpieoe, but is far and away ahead of the one I had taken by myself. I took just one look at it, and then dropped the half-dozen of them into the fire. The seoond fellow from the right in front - was on the squad with Harold when he was hit,, and in fact he bandaged the kid up.
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