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Dean Seeman
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Filename: 141_Bib_Chinese-Canadian1979_012.tif
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  • 12 A 17 page report, mostly on the Japanese "problem". Has the current statistics on the Chinese population in B.C., categorized according, to sex, Canadian-born, naturalized, Chinese nationals, as well as geographical location. Tate, A, E. "Chinese Labor." A Century of Adventure. J.B.B. Shaw, (Ed.). Victoria, 1971, pp. 30-35. (PA) NW971K S534 A personal recollection of Chinese in Victoria during the author's childhood. The living conditions, behavior and customs of Chinese are described. Tolmie, J,; R. The Orientals in B.C. UBC BA Thesis, Vancouver, 1929. (UBC-Sp. Col.) LE3 B7 1929 A9 T64, (SFU) F5032 T65 The thesis deals with the immigration, natural increase, position and attitude of Chinese and other Orientals in B.C. It was written at a time when there was much agitation against Orientals. The writer intended to better inform the Canadians of the social and economic conditions of these people so as to dispel some of the ignorance and prejudice existing. Touchie, Rodger. "The Chinese in B.C." Westworld, Vol. 1, no. 1-2, Jan.-Feb., Mar-Apr., 1975. (PA) NW 538 v.1 United Church of Canada. A Hundred Years of Christian Chinese work in B.C.: 1859-1959. Vancouver, Chinese United Church. 1959. (PA) NWp 286 U58hi Ward, N. L. and Hellaby, H. A. Oriental Missions in B.C. Westminister, Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1925. (VPL) NW266 W260 Primarily dealing with Christian missionary work among the Chinese, Japanese and Sikhs in B.C. Discusses the origin and background of the Chinese immigrants, their social system, and their points of view. Also has some photographs illustrating the mission work among the Chinese.
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