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reached you all right, as I spent quite a few hours on its composition, and I'd hate to think that all my labor was wasted.
Several of the hunch have had their six days leave. Goldie was up to visit his brother at Felixstowe, and judging from what he has said, apparently had a fine time. His brother took him up in his machine, and now Goldie is anxious to transfer to the Flying Corps, but the fact that there are 2200 applications in ahead of him at that station, will very likely deter him from doing so, Frank has also been on leave. He went up to Manchester where all his relatives live, and also had a swell time. He and Goldie spent the last ddy of their leave in London together, and are anxious to get back there again,
I am sending a few snaps Clough took on the way across, also some wild flowers I picked just now. The wall flower I brought from Canterbury where it was growing on the ruined wall of the monastery which was built before the Cathedral,
Have a few more letters to write this afternoon, so will close with best love to all from
Yours lovingly,
London, England,
May 12th,1916.
Lear Mother and Lad,-
Well, here we are up in the town at last, and for six days at that. Some class to us eh whatj This letter is to be a company affair, each of us to describe the day's happenings. My turn today, and the kid's tomorrow and so on, I only hope that it will make as interesting reading as it did to us viewing the different places,. It is now 11,30 P.M., but will try and tear off a few pages before tunring in.
To begin with, Harold was off on an escort to Cambridge, but I took a chance and put in a pass for him as well as for myself.
My surprise they were accepted by the Orderly Sergeant, in spite
of the fact that each man is supposed to hand in his own pass,end
the O.C, O.K'd them. I obtained my pass after the afternoon parade and then proceeded to draw my pay which amounted to the princely
sum of LI. I waited around camp for the kid as long as I could,
but he didn't show up, so I started off for Shorn, cl if fe to catch the 7.30 P.M, train after leaving instructions for him to follow in the morning.
Landed in London at London Bridge Station, and from there took the Underground via Elefant and Castle to Waterloo Station. Couldn't locate the Y hut, so booked a bed at the Union Jack Club, a huge