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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2193_97-051_289.tif
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  • 285 - The King of the Belgians Blew into town yesterday morning and the entire population of the city, augmented by some 10 or 20,000 soldiers, was out to give him the once over. He didn't arrive on scheduled time-- they;never do, seemingly. As early as 9.30 the crowds started to went their way towards the Grand “lace, though he wasn't due to put in an appearance till 11 o'clock, j- The Guard of Honor was furnished by the 7th Infy. Rgde. and I didn't envy the poor devils any, having to stand on pars.de in full marching order for over three hours. Well, he arrived,' finally, and from my vantage point in front of the Hotel de Ville, I had a splendid view of him. I'm not a worshipper of royalty, by any means, but Albert has all through this war taken more chances than any other of his ilk, so one can't help' admiring the man. He is a fine looking fellow, but badly in need of a hair cut. His two sons were with him, the elder riding in an open car with his "old man", the other, in naval uniform, in a closed car with some high Belgian official. Have every expectation of taking a jaunt up to Brussells some day this week. Arrangements have been made whereby ten^men are to go every other day, leaving here at 7 o'clock in the morning, a.nd starting back at 10 o'clock, the same night. Of course it only gives a fellow about 12 hours there, but by hustling around a good many points of interest can be taken in during that time. The first bunch of our fellows were up there yesterday, and from what they tell me, I judge that it is a mighty fine city. The H.G.Xi., like every ctner part of Prance or Belgium occupied by Pritz, is somewhat fierce, so perhaps it is just as well 'that we are allowed only the one day there. I have borrowed a m zpof the city from Bill Maguire and with assistance have planned a tour of the city that will accomplish the most in the shortest possible time. Nothing; like doing these things systematically. So next time I write you, in all probability, I'll be able to spin you a. line about my trip to Brussells. I had dinner with Stan Young on Sunday, and in the afternoon we strolled all over thecity. Was to have gone to see the "Dumbbells'j the next night with him, but failed to keep the appointment. Our stock of Xmas cards came in that afternoon, and we had to get them ready for the "bhoys". Saw Bill McB the day I mailed my last letter to you, just> after I came back from the post office. He was just back from special leave to Paris, end reports" having a fine time. Naturally.' He tells me that Eeg, Beckwith is oaa the cars now. Piute always was a lucky begger. Had a le tter from Prank C. today- Sgt. now, and stationed at Epsom. He and Piute had a few days together in London several weeks ago, and he also sew Goldie for a day. Wrote Marjorie a 12 page letter three or four days ago which should appease her wrath somewhat, and maybe buckher up a bit. Am very sorry to hear that she isn't enjoying her stay in 'Prisco. No doubt fche’ll be writing me to tell me ell about it. Visiting a city and working there, are very often entirely different matters. She's made of the right stuff though, and, unless I'm sadly mistaken, will
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