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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
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Filename: 8247_img_089.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T00:53:07.996Z
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Creator Transcript
  • our nesting population is not controlled in the same way by temperature tolerance of the young. A study of comparative temp [temperature] tolerance of yng [young] waterfowl would be most interesting. The sea-nesting eider may be very well up in the series. Another biologist has been working on the summer food of Buteo buteo. He has spent 350 hrs [hours] observation at nest sites from blinds + finds that the food residue at the nest is an unreliable source of evidence as it has little relation with the food actually brought to the nest. During good mouse years Clethrionomys was the major item, a few of the very young (mouse stage) gallinaceous birds + perhaps 2 or 3 hares per summer. During low mouse years Sorex becomes important. Only the [male symbol] hunts + he brings in food about once an hour making 12 or 13 trips a day. The Research foundation gets a govt [government] grant of about 25000 (7 1/2 million marks) a year + has some endowment funds also. It operates the Evo Station, which is a gift from one of the founders. It has about 2000 acres of its own + game rights on a surrounding state forest of 6000 acres [word crossed out] hectares. They have no Marginalia: Research topic, Buteo foods.
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