97-051_LTRS 221
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2125_97-051_221.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T17:48:18.732ZOriginal Checksum: babae6ec15834c30832246141f5f7f0fMime Type: image/tiff
- 218 if you want to send an occasional extra parcel, I'm sure there’ll be no objections raised from this end. Speaking of parcels, I received a fine one from Aunt Bessie several days ago. The cake was the best I’ve ta.sted for many a moon. Will have to drop her a line this afternoon to thank her. I see by your last letter that my leave letters arrived O.K. Ho doubt they were a little disappointing. Really though, I could- nct summon up the necessary "pep" to make them as lengthy as my previous ones. A fellow feels too blue Then he comes back from heaven to hell, to write a good letter - at least I did this last time, and the longer a fellow sticks over here, the more fed up he gets. Me foolish enough to turndown a cushy job if it was offered me? Well, I should say not. Try me and find out. There are lots of such jobs in the army as you remark, but for every job there .is a hundred or so to fill it. hope, I’m afra.id that unless I go down 8 casualty, the only cushy job I’ll ever hold will be stretcher bearing. And you have an idea how cushy that is. Just the same, I think I’ll round out my two years over here, then do my damnedest to find one of these cushy jobs. Yes, it was the parcel with the sweater that went astray. It came the day day before I went on leave, so I just sent it along to Edmonton, knowing what it contained. Too bad, but it can’t be helped.. You ask me when my next leave is due, and where I intend to spend it. Well, leave has been shut down for a couule ofweeks or more with no immediate prospect of its opening up again. The reason of course is obvious. So instead, of getting away about August/as in all probability I would have done had not leave shut down, the chances are I’ll not have? another leave till winter- provided the war isn’t over by then. So much for the first question. As to where I’ll spend it, I’m undecided. Am certain of one thing however, and that is it won’t be in Paris. Not far enough away from the war zone to suit me. I may take a jaunt down to Vichy, stay there a few days, then run across to Lyon, the second city of France, and a famous manufacturing centre. Prom there I’d proceed to Aix les Bains, finishing up on the Prenoh side of lake Geneva. Prom what I can gather, such an it inary as that I have outlined would take some beating, As an alternative, I may visit the Riviera again. So you see I am fully prepared for my next leave. But between you and me and the gatepost, the leave that would most appeal to me is the ten days sickleave before returning to Canada and home. Haven't heard from the kid since I last wrote. Shouldn't be at all surprised if he was on the pond by this time. Hone so anyway/ for I know how you are longing to have him back there with you again. Gosh, oh gosiv( Will I have to write to three members of the 1206 tribe
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