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- Hall & O’Halloran Barristers & Solicitors, Henry C. Hall, K.C., C. H. O’Halloran, M.A., 507-510 Central Building, Victoria British Columbia. December 10th, 1923 3/4.
Messrs. Chinese Consolidated Benevelent Assoc’n. c/o Lee Dan, 549 Cormorant Street, Victoria B.C.
Dear Sirs: I desire to express my appreciation of your retaining me to act on your behalf in opposing that part of Bill 14, “Women and Girls’ Protection Act” that discriminates against and reflects upon the people of your race. Your Petition containing your protest has been presented to the House and a copy thereof and of the proposed amendments has been sent to each member. I have had several conferences with Mrs. Smith and the Hornourable the Attourney general and have a further appointment with the latter for tomorrow. I will be pleased to give this whole matter my careful attention and will endeavor to bring clearly before the members the nature of your objections. I also beg to confirm the understanding as to fee, namely the sum of $1000.00, for