Transcript |
- Troughton, E. [Ellis Le Geyt]
1950-51? The furred animals of Australia
Suomi (1952) A General Handbook of Finland.
A [Arvid] Lundbergh. Jakten I. Sverigl Aktiebolaget
Svensk Litteratur, Stockholm, new ed [edition] 1952
History of the Collections in the Natural History Museum
(London) 1906 2 vols. [volumes]
1936. Neue Forschungen in Tierzucht und
Abstammungslehre. Festschrift Zum 60 Geburstag [Geburtstag]
von Prof. [Professor] Dr. J. Ulrich Duerst.
contains among other papers an excellent one
by Gromona, Vera. Ulber Kraniologie und Geschichte der
Gattung Ovis. on pp [pages] 81-91.
Nassonow, N.
1923 Distribution Geographique Moutons
Sauvages Monde Ancien. Petrograd 250 pg. [pages] Russian
Summarized by Sushkin in J. Mammal. [Journal of Mammology] 6:145-157
A. [Austin] Roberts. Birds of South Africa 1952.
[Cyril Winthrop] Mackworth-Praed + [Claude Henry Baxter] Grant [underlined], Birds of Eastern + North Eastern Africa
Physiological Mechanisms in Animal Behaviour #4 in the
series Symposia of the Soc. [Society] of Experimental Biologists. Cambridge 1950.
Waterhouse [underlined], GR. [George Robert] 1847-48 A Natural History of Mammals, 2 vols. [volumes]