97-051_LTRS 261

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2165_97-051_261.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:30:37.019Z
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Creator Transcript
  • Have thoroughly enjoyed my stayhere* the only drawback being the non-receipt of any mail. I wrote to Sammy May several weeks ago asking him to see that any mail for me was forwarded on to Ho. 74 General Hospital* where I was before coming to this camp; Up to date I have not received any mail, nor a replyto my letter, so have come to the conclusion that letter must have gone astray. In order to find out I wrote our "postie today, asking him to hold any mail of mine till be hears from me again. So in’ view of that it will be several weeks yet, before I see your familiar handwriting again. Hot a pleasant prospect you may be sure, but I suppose un­avoidable. There are 14 fellows in my hut, all good scouts. Ho two are from the seme unit, those represented being the K.O.S.B. Harts Manchester, M.C.C., R.E., K.O.Y.L.I., R.G.A., A& S.H., Gordons, Y.&.L, 22nd. BH, 24 B?H.? Black Ievils, and your humble servant. The above cryptic characters doubtless convey nothing to you, but I fancy the kid can enlighten you. We aren’t overworked here by any means, for even if a fell is unlucky enough to be grabbed for fatigue, he is always through before noon for the day. Under ordinary circumstances, X prefer fatigues, as a means of escaping extremely tiresome dull and P.T.,but it is different here. We have p.T. it istrue, but not the style we get with the unit. Here we fall in on the parade ground-- often lpQO strong-- and march down to the beach to the stirring music of a brass band, a fife and drum outfit, and the usual snake charmers. To reach the beach we have to march through one of the prettiest t>wns I’ve seen over here, and which is the pleasure resort this summer of the fashionable Parisian world. How do you wonder why I prefer the P.T.? It is usually after ileven before we start to maroh back and by that time quite a few of the “Mamzelles" are to be seen strolling around. Po you know what the latest fashion is?- or I conclude that it is the latest. Naturally you don’t. Well, I’ll tell you. The girls-- and women too-- seem to wear hosiery, but wander around with only a pair of sandals between their feet and their muchly abbreviated skirts. And the dresses they wear. Really they beggar description. All the colors of the rainbow with cerise seemingly in the lead. Sure makes a fellow wish he was home-- or on leave. I was down in the town about a week ago on pass, and spent nearly all the time down on the beach. Maybe that old salt air didn’t smell fine to me. Expect to get down again tomorrow. Took part in a 3i mile road race last Saturday, and haven’t recovered from the effects of it yet - sore muscles. It was compul sor, otherwise I don’t think I’d have gone into it. Where did I finish? Well hardly first, in fact 145 came in ahead of me. Seems a lot, doesn’t it? But do you know how many started? Ho less than 1595’ We all grouped up on the parade ground and at the word "go", all made a 300 yard da.sh to a narrow lane leading out to the main road. Natur­ally the first to hit the lane had a big advantage, I don’t know how many beat me to it, but I do know that my ribs were nearly stove in •-----whilst going down it. I ran about two kilos, then walked up a long - '1 5 7 -
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