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Tiffany Chan
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passed on September 04, 2024 at 11:00
Height: 6174
Width: 4528
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 83917224
Filename: Antique-Chinese_043.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-04T18:47:13.561Z
Original Checksum: 745539832954cf1bc100c59ce3eacb5c
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Creator Transcript
  • 39 Vase Qing dynasty; mid to late 19th century h. 25 cm; Stephen Lowe Art Gallery This attractive vase, of meiping shape, is decorated with overall lotus scrolls. There are two large pictorial roundels on the body of the vase. One depicts a bird on rocks with blossoming prunus sprays, the other has a blue butterfly above a rock with peonies. There are two bronze handles with monster masks on the shoulders of the vase. The colours include: red, white, yellow, pink, cobalt blue, green in three shades, and mixed blue-white and black-white, on a turquoise ground. 40 Vase Qing dynasty; late 19th century h. 25 cm; Stephen Lowe Art Gallery This vase, with long slender neck, is deco- rated with a ruyi or cloud scroll border beneath the upper rim. The neck is sepa- rated from the body by a floral band. The body is covered with naturalistic flowers and butterflies on a �T� fret background. The colours include: red, white, yellow, cobalt blue, orange-brown, shades of green, pink, and black, on a light blue ground.
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