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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 10:26
Height: 2760
Width: 1925
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File Size: 15964440
Filename: 5878_pp_234.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T19:36:50.104Z
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Creator Transcript
  • [Typewritten copy of journal of Allan C. Brooks] Deer very plentiful and absurdly tame, have walked in the open right up to them, twice with a very fine buck, the last time within 10 yards on the open sandhills. Horns nearly full length but showing only one very wide fork and a crown point on each horn. 12. Queen Charlotte woodpeckers and Creepers with young full grown. Sanderlings (2 adults) on beach with Western Sandpipers all adult females? 14. On the muskeg country back of White's River, a rolling upland of musket and ponds. Saw good many blue grouse, 2 males hooting, and plenty of small birds principally Forbush's sparrows, juncos and hermit thrushes. Western Flycatcher nesting in the clumps of dwarf pines and cedars out on the open muskeg. Only water birds seen, a colony (small) of Glaucous-winged gulls resting on a high ridge. Saw signs of geese and cranes. Deer numerous and tame. Along the shore line going and coming were crowds of small waders, western sandpipers, sanderlings, Least sandpipers and semipalmated plovers, all juveniles except some of the last. 16. Up on the White's creek muskeg again, a pair of Sandhill cranes there seen to have young 18. First hawk, a young Sharp-shin (shot) 20. Birds are silent and retiring - all in moult- no song for the last two weeks. Sandpipers are all adults still, many sanderlings, western and Least Sandpipers.
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