97-051_LTRS 304

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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Filename: 2208_97-051_304.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:32:57.489Z
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  • on the way home, and that thought helped considerably. Disembarked about ten in the morning, and in less than an hour were on our way up to this camp. After the awful manner in which troops are handled in Prance, the smooth-working machinery on this side was a revelation. * J We are quartered in huts here, five blankets each, and so xa.r- good eats. ^ it is a huge camp- stretches for miles. Pretty well infested with conscripts too, a breed, of whom I in common with moso volunteers, haven’t a grea.t deal of-respect for. . , _ ' Len Spencer this morning. He is on the staff in our lines^, and barring an unforeseen miracle, expects to be here till all tne Canadians have gone back. Aren’t you glad that I nicked on the good old third division when I. went to Prance? P , , ¥ere inarmed today by "play-the-game" Selby that the medical ooard we had in Prance had been relegated to the scran hean and that, we were to have another, and stricter one the day after * tomorrow. Some brains on this demob, outfit all right. In conse- quencecf this we shan’t be going on leave till around the end of the week. Guess I can stand it though. that _ You’ll be surprised, and no doubt delighted- to hear I m going up to Manchester with the "Wop” for my leave. He has all leones* Oi relatives up there, ineluding beau coup girl cousin? pnd i’m anticipating having a fine time. To all intents and t>urioeee I haven t been in a home since I left 1206, so the thought of it anneal to me much more than a sight seeing trip to Scotland. Anyway Geordie iajlor oells me that Edinburgh at this time of year is a good nlsce to stay away from. " . We’ve had no mail since leaving Pottiguies but I have it on reliable authority that a. big mail is coming down from Bramahott- six miles from here tonightffor us. Hope so, for the last letter from you was written on the first day of the year. Lord but won’t I be tickled, when I can lay off this writing for a time.’ Bet vou’ll second that. While I have no reliable information on the subject It seems to be the general concensus of opinion that we’ll be leaving around the middle of next month. I certainly do not think 11 be 8X17 later than the first week in Auril in hitting old townonce more. However, time alone will decide that. /Iso the rnif f° the menwill “be attached for return I still have a hunch that it will be the 2nd C.M.R.’s. Am going out to a show tonight in one of the cemotheatres so will have to call this off. - » Best love to all, FKBX
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