Transcript |
- [Typewritten copy of journal of Allan C. Brooks]
of green wings and Pintail.
30. Many flocks of Pintail and Green-wing teal.
Left on Prince Charles at midnight.
Strong south-easter blowing.
31. Queen Charlotte city nr. [near] Skidegate at noon
wind going down. Many birds outside, hardly any
in inlets.
September 1936.
1. Left Lockeport before daylight, wind has
changed to N.W. [northwest] and it is fine, fog clearing
from mountains. Left Port Jedway afternoon,
Rose Harbour (whaling Station) at 3 p.m.
no birds in inlets, shearwaters (sooty) and
Parasitic Jaegers outside but not many, no
small gulls. Cape St. [Saint] James at 4. p.m. crowds of
sea lions with a few cubs and many birds but no
new ones. Murres undoubtedly nest here, many
Puffins and Rhinoc. [Rhinoceros] Auklets. Only Tubinares
are Sooty Shearwaters. Left with a following
sea of considerable strength the little boat
740 tons of wallowing, fine with lovely sunset.
Soon after clearing the islands with C.St. [Cape Saint] James
in sight, crowds of black-footed Albatross
turned up in our wake, 40 being in sight at
once, also one or two Pink-footed Shearwaters,
identity certain and a few Scoters, no other
Tubinares but both Parasitic and Pomarine
Jaegers were positively identified, adults,
and possibly long-tailed Jaegers.