Legacy-of-Japanese-Printmaking 20

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Tiffany Chan
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  • tance until the nineteenth century. In design�ing their landscapes, the ukiyo-e artists could draw on the tremendous legacy of oriental landscape painting. However, the artists not only borrowed from the idealized landscapes in ancient Chinese and Japanese scrolls; they also referred in a realistic manner to well- known places near Tokyo and in other parts of Japan. For travellers, the scenes of familiar roads and famous places served as mementos of a journey, similar to the function of modern day postcards. Ukiyo-e landscape prints were not as fanciful as traditional landscape painting and tended to focus more on interesting angles and views of the topography. The changing seasons, the weather and the time of day were all important considerations to the artist. Today, the figures who people the landscapes also provide important documentary material for the study of everyday Japanese life. Western art historians instantly appreciate ukiyo-e landscape prints because the artists were often experimenting with a combination of Western perspective and Oriental styles. The use of Western perspective probably �tait un sujet de pr�dilection. Parfois m�me, l�estampe pr�sentait les grandes avenues du Yoshiwara, ses maisons de th�, ses bateaux de plaisance et ses jardins, aussi bien que des vues cavali�res de l�int�rieur des apparte�ments luxueux du quartier. Les estampes et les livres illustr�s qui faisaient de la publicit� pour les bordels principaux, qui dressaient en liste les comp�tences et les attributs d�une courtisane particuli�re, sont rest�s en vogue jusqu�en 1842 quand les autorit�s ont interdit toute publication faisant allusion � la prostitu�tion. Les estampes de geisha (tout � fait autre chose qu�une courtisane) �taient �galement � la mode. En tant que musiciennes, danseuses et h�tesses professionnelles, les geisha �taient consid�r�es comme �tant plus re�spectables que les courtisanes. L�estampe �rotique, connue sous le nom de shunga ou �image du printemps� �tait aussi associ�e aux courtisanes. L��rotisme �tait un sujet acceptable dans la soci�t� d�Edo jusqu�� la deuxi�me moiti� du dix-neuvi�me si�cle, quand l�influence du puritanisme occidental a commenc� � se faire sentir chez le peuple. Les shunga font partie int�grante de la tradition F School of Utamaro Violation scene / sc�ne de viol
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