Transcript |
- Ruddy Turnstone.
Sandspit. Aug. [August] 21/46 [1946].
6 birds working the rocky beaches
near the spit. Flight is exceedingly
rapid, much more so than that of
the black turnstone
" [Sandspit] Aug 23 + 24
9 turnstone seen, 2 in juv. [juvenile] plumage.
" [Sandspit] " [August] 26/46. [1946]
7 Ruddy turnstone seen today on
tip of spit.
" [Sandspit] Aug. [August] 27/46 [1946].
A group of 2 adult + 4 young
seen today were obviously a family
group. They behaved like quail, with
the 2 ads [adults] running ahead, clucking
softly, or digging in the rows
of sea weed rolled up at tide line.
These later joined by 9 other birds
to form a flock of 15, the largest
flock seen to date.