Transcript |
- Dibgete Gamp,
May 26th, 1916.
Desr Sip,-
I guess I'm the negligent one this time, it being some little time since I wrote you last. Haven't a greet deal to say but will try and grind out a few pagee.
Have plenty of time these days for writing as we are C.B'd. Did Harold mention in hie letter to Mother that we had been nicked on an overseas draft? I guess he must have for I saw him adding a few lines to his London letter last Monday night, and that was the day on which the draft was picked. Of course you've never had the experience of being on parade when a draft is to be picked. The Sgt, Mjr. calls the parade to attention, sings out "Fall in on the right as your name is called", and every man Jack suddenly discovers that his nervous system is working overtime.
He reaches the G's, calls out "Calderbank, Campbell, Gable" then "Carne, F.A,." end it is a stentorian voice which answers "Here Sir", at the same time the owner of the voice doubles out to the right. The kid's nsme comes next, and then we ere all anxiety for the other fellows. Bill, Hank, Goldie and Jim Stewart are all called out and we breathe easy again. Physical examination Jake, but eye test worried me. About ten of us were called out again next day for the eye test in better light. Don't know how I managed to get through, as seven were grabbed, but I made it and thats the main thing.
Don't know where we are bound for, but very likely it will be to France, Some say Salonica, but I hardly think so. Of course, as it usual with drafts, all sorts of rumors are going the rounds as to.the work we will be called upon to do,, the one most likely to happen being that we are to reinforce a field .ambulance, I sincerely hope eo, as that work suits me better than orderly work in a hospital. In the meantime though, we ere C.B'd, and have a good chance to save money. Can't just say when we will leave, but certainly we will be on the way when this reaches you.
The boxes from home reached us in fine shape,, and are almost a memory now, that is as far as the eats are concerned. Maybe they weren't relished too. It sure costs a smsll fortune to send parcels here, but if we get across to France, the strain will be lighter.
I wrote Marion a couple of days ago thanking her for the candy, some of which I have in my mouth now. It sure is good and doesn't stick together like ordinary toffee.
Glad to hear that you enjoyed yourself in Seattle. It does a person good to get away from the old routine once in a while, even if it is only for a few days. Next time you write Dorothea just give her my love. I suppose you dropped into the store to