97-051_LTRS 82
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-08
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-08
- Fixity Check
- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 1986_97-051_082.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T16:52:57.614ZOriginal Checksum: 771c4cb94cbf445960efff69d803ff45Mime Type: image/tiff
- really laughable some of the stunts they pulled. Your talking about that mind reader reminds me of one I eaw in Vancouver a few years ago at the Pan. The old stunt you know of having a girl on the stage singing and playing on the piano the songs requested by the audience and transmitted to her by mental telepathy by her fellow conspirator who moved around the aisle. He actually got sore for some reason or other when I asked him to have her play "Tie your little bull outside", at that time a rather favorite melody. Had a few lines from Annie Parish a few days ago saying that you had been up to see her. She also mentioned how well you looked. Keep the good work up kid. Have never been up the North Arm, but have passed along it via C.P.B. often enough to know that it is a lovely trip. Haven't seen any of the old bunch since leaving the Somme,, but Bill and Hank are over on our left somewhere, so hope to bump into them one of these fine days. You're right sis, they're sure a fine pair of clean living kids. I'd be proud to be their mother. Thought sure a couple of mornings ago that winter had set in, when upon emerging from our dugout, I saw snow on the ground and more falling. It was pretty cold the night before so wasn't exactly surprised, but just the same it wasn't an agreeable sight. Changed to sleet and then to rain, before the day was over, and has been raining intermittently since. As a consequence the trenches in which we live these days, are in a rather sloppy state. We are due to go back to head quarters tomorrow though, so won't kick as long as no stretcher cases come in. They are "no bon for the troop for it means a carry of a. mile and a. half over the slippery trench mats. Guess I'll have to chop this off sudden as a walking case has dust come in and I'm due to.take him out. Its 3 o'clock now, so I'll just be back in time for dinner. Might mention we had breakfast at noon. It was a "guid you" too, fine bacon, fried spuds, fried breed and tea. Pinner is to have the following menu,- Steak and onions, mashed potatoes, green peas, cake (from a parcel) and tea. How's it sound? We are only six here and do our own cooking. Well, bye bye sis, will sure drop you a line again before Xmas. Best of love to everybody, P. Carne P.S. Think you could ssnd me a couple of indelible pencils? I've only about an inch left of this one, and can't buy them here.
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